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  1. Managing Multiple Priorities

    According to Dictionary.com , the definition of multitasking we are most likely familiar with is “ the carrying out of two or more tasks at the same time by one person ”. What’s of note, however, is that the definition listed first is specific...
  2. A Brief Guide To The Social Media Manager Editor

    Our Social Media Manager Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use tool available to allow you to customize any image or graphic to your taste. In order to help you understand its characteristics and possibilities, here is a short overview of the Editor...
  3. Customers List

    Field mapping for the Custom Dealer System report Field Order Field Name Description Example Required? 1 Customer ID Customer's ID Number 5760069 YES 2 FirstName Customer's First Name Mike YES 3 LastNa...
  4. Handling Customers.. Like a Boss!

    Key Points in Managing Customers 1. Know customers expectations before they call or walk through the door Knowing what customers want ahead of time is the main way to prevent complaints in the first place. Customers want the same thi...
  5. Creating a Kick @$$ Dealer Info Section

    Organizing Your Web Pages – Your Dealer Info Section We’ve accomplished quite a bit so far. And now that you have a polished, professional website that lists all your current units and services you provide, it’s time to tell customers who you ...
  6. What Is The Social Media Manager Post Ideas Section?

    Social Media Marketing doesn't have to be a chore nor does it have to be a marketing effort that doesn't deliver. The best content plan will deliver conversions in the form of likes, shares and web traffic. Filling your social profiles with relevan...
  7. Making an Awesome Website Homepage

    You have only a few seconds to make a first, only and lasting impression when it comes to your website. Why is this important? With almost everyone using Google instead of phone books and newspapers to find businesses, your website is what most peo...
  8. Don't Let a Marketing Plan Scare You

    Some customers are going to find you by chance. They may drive past your store or they may have been referred by someone, but we know for the most part you’ve had to constantly market your dealer to remind the world you exist. But do you have a ...
  9. Why Reward Programs Reward Employees

    If you have been following our blogs, you should know by now that loyalty/reward programs provide great incentives for customers; they are wonderful, limitless marketing tools for driving traffic into stores; and, they create immediate ROI by reduc...
  10. How To Use Webinar To Promote Your Business During COVID-19

    9 How is your business doing during these trying times? Understandably, many events and trade shows have been canceled because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It has forced many businesses to pivot their marketing plans and strategies ...