What Can I Do With The Keypad Manager?

Our long awaited Keypad updates are finally available! Here are the awesome new features we added:

  • Customers can check reward balance from Keypad
  • Ability to view check-in data
  • Ability to run contests with Keypad check-ins
  • Create virtual "Kohl's Cash" type coupons


See Your Keypad Check-in Data

In the Keypad Manager, you can now view all check-in data for the past 30 days using the bar graph at the top of the page.

As you can see in the example below, the graph indicates the number of check-ins (y-axis) on each day (x-axis) for the past 30 days. You also have the ability to “Export Entries.” This will create an Excel file with all check-ins from the past 90 days (or since the last contest reset). The report includes the phone number used, the time and date of the check-in, and (if available) names and email addresses.


Run Keypad Contests

If you wanted to run monthly contests with your Keypad, we have also added a “Reset Contest” button. This will erase all previous check-ins so you can start a new contest with a clean slate. Please be aware that once you click “Reset Contest,” the information cannot be recovered.

We have also added a “Pick Winner” button to help you run monthly contests with ease! Clicking this button randomly selects a winner from all the check-ins from the past 30 days. Like in the example below, you will see the winner’s phone number and — if available — their email. There will also be a "roll again" option available in case you wish to pick a different winner. This might be used if the winner was an employee testing the system or if you are offering multiple prizes.

Keypad Manager 4


Create "Kohl's Cash" Style Coupons

Another new feature we have available to you is the use of modifiers in the Keypad Manager messages. The Keypad Manager, as you may know, allows you to enter a message that will be texted to customers when they check-in. There are many ways these messages can be set up, such as a virtual punch card, daily deals, and now, with the use of these new modifiers, you can also create a coupon system similar to Kohl’s Cash. Below is an example of a text coupon a customer would receive to use between 3 and 7 days from the check-in time.

These modifiers work with {NOW} as the constant, and a “+” or “-“ character to indicate forward or backward in time. You can then add the variable of how many days (d), weeks (w ), or years (y) from the check-in date. For example, {NOW+1d} would show tomorrow’s date and {NOW+2w} would show the date 2 weeks from the check-in date.

All these exciting updates are now available for all our Keypad customers. For more information, or to set up the reward balance update, give us a call at (414) 326-4100.

NOTE: Remember, customers can only check-in once per day, and if they are a reward member, they will receive one text message with their reward points balance and then a second text containing the corresponding Keypad Manager message.