What Are "Good" Email Marketing Statistics?

After a campaign has finished sending, you can check its statistics to help you gauge its success. A few measurable results include:

How many recipients opened the email?
How many recipients clicked links in the email?
How many people unsubscribed from your future email campaigns?
How many emails bounced?

What are “Good” Stats?

We at More Than Rewards are often asked how well we think a particular campaign is doing, or what are some numbers being used to gauge overall success. As you read more about email statistics, here are a few things to know:

  • For most dealers, an open rate of 15% is average. Anything in the 30% range is extremely high, and very rare. A lower open rate is sometimes acceptable for many dealers — for example, if they have a large email list of 10,000 or more contacts, and many of them are generally known to also be subscribed to competitors who are already sending them email every week. 
  • If you have a new email list, or you are switching from a previous email provider, your open rates may be lower, and your unsubscribes and bounces will be higher than usual. Though, you’ll generally end up with a smaller percentage of unsubscribes and bounces after sending several campaigns to the same contacts.
  • The “click-through rate” for an email may be more important than your open rate. This is a statistic which measures how many people clicked on a unique link in your email. So, if you have a link to a coupon, a sign-up form on your website, or a survey, the open rate wouldn’t matter as much. A 1% click-through rate is average for general emails. For more “call-to-action” type emails, you may strive for a click-through rate of 2-4%. 

Snapshot of Statistics

The Email Campaign Statistics graph on the main Email Marketing page provides an overall, real-time snapshot of your “contact activity” within a selected period of time. The graph highlighted below shows the number of unsubscribes and bounces for the past seven days from any and all campaigns sent. It also shows how many new contacts were added to all of your lists.

  • An “unconfirmed contact” is someone who has been added to one or more lists, whose email has never been sent to. The email may actually exist or be entered correctly in the system, but it hasn’t been validated by our email servers.
  • A “confirmed contact” is someone who has been added to one or more lists, whose email is known to be valid, based on previous sends or they may have recently been changed from unconfirmed to a “confirmed” status, based on a recent campaign send.

Specific Email Campaign Statistics

Seeing the results of a particular email campaign is easy. Click the Statistics tab, and then select Email Campaign Statistics. From this screen you can:

  • View statistics for a specific campaign
  • Export your statistics to an excel or comma-separated value (.csv) file
  • Print the statistics
  • Delete the statistical records for this campaign

From this main statistics page, you will be able to view the number of recipients for a particular campaign, unsubscribes from the campaign, and the resulting bounces.

To view additional information about a specific campaign, click the View link located next to a particular campaign. This will open a page showing more in-depth statistics. 

View Statistics

On the Email “Statistics Snapshot” screen, the pie chart shown to the right includes numbers for Percentage Opened, Unopened and Bounced. All of these rates — and other statistics on this page — will change over time after a campaign has finished sending. This is because your contacts can interact with your email within one to three days of receiving it, up to a week, or even a full year after it’s been in their inbox.

 You can also click on any of the tabs at the top to view other in-depth statistics and the emails associated with the statistics. For example, you will be able to identify the particular email addresses that unsubscribed or clicked on a link.

Here are brief descriptions of what is found in each of the tabs at the top of the statistics page:

  • Statistics Snapshot: A summary of the selected email campaign, including the “summary” pie chart.
  • Open Statistics: View open rates and email addresses for the email campaign.
  • Link Statistics: Shows what “links were clicked” in the email campaign. If the email campaign does not include links, no statistics will be listed here.
  • Bounce Statistics: View bounce statistics for the email campaign. Bounced emails are emails that come back as undeliverable. This happens for many reasons including but not limited to the following:
    • The recipients email inbox is full
    • The email address does not exist or is spelled incorrectly
    • The recipient’s internet email service is down
    • The recipient’s internet email service is blocking the message due to blacklist-based filtering
  • Unsubscribe Statistics: View unsubscribe rates and unsubscribed email addresses for the email campaign.

As a reminder, More Than Rewards automatically includes a unique unsubscribe link, and an unsubscribe button, at the bottom of every sent email. Once a customer unsubscribes, they will not be included in any future email campaigns. Both bounced emails and unsubscribes are managed by More Than Rewards.