Do You Know Which Customers Love You?

Our job here at More Than Rewards is to help dealerships make their jobs — your job — easier, more profitable, and fun. It’s no doubt we have a full range of amazing tools to do that, like my favorite: Auto-Pilot emails.

The what, you say?

Our Auto-Pilot emails (included as part of our standard Marketing Tools) are automatically triggered from certain point-of-sale transactions. Some email templates simply thank customers for shopping with your dealer; others remind them of extended warranty options, and some even follow-up with customers to gauge their recent experiences in your service department. All you have to do is turn them on!

Also, the Auto-Pilot email templates can be edited and personalized to a great extent, meaning you can utilize “dynamic” information like placing individual customer names in a greeting line, or inserting particular vehicle models in the text.

Whatever you decide, as long as a customer’s email address is correctly entered in your dealer management system, our Auto-Pilot emails will work for you – for free.

Autopilot emails can also be configured based on “time,” meaning you can set a number of days to delay their sending. For example, by configuring a three-day delay for the “Thank You” emails, you can express your appreciation and stay within customers’ minds without seeming intrusive. These delays are important because the experience customers recently had with your store has been processed in their brains and tucked away. So, this type of email refreshes their experience and enhances it. (In marketing terms, this is called a “soft touch.”)

Another great use of Auto-Pilot emails is asking customers to rate their experiences with you. Simply ask if they were satisfied with their last visit. You could use a small graphic such as a heart ❤ – because they love doing business with you! Whichever imagery you choose, it's important to link this to a SEO- boosting rating tool such as Google or Yelp.

If your customer had a “less-than-loved-it’” experience, link that response to a specific form created on your website. The form does not have to be public – your website provider can help you with this, or you can use our free web survey tool located in our email marketing tools. You form should be directed to an email address that immediately alerts someone at your dealership of any responses. Handling negative reviews within 24 hours ensures your customers’ needs can be handled as quickly as possible.

What does this look like?


At The Best Dealership Ever, we want to ensure our customers are getting the best possible experience. We’d love to hear from you!

 Please rate us - click which one applies.

Loved It!

You guys need some work. 😩

Internet ratings are becoming a vital part to every business' success. In fact, these ratings have replaced the word-of-mouth referrals marketers have relied on for years; just think about how important simple “star” ratings are to you when viewing a business on your smart phone.

If we can help you gauge your customer experiences and improve your ratings, then we've accomplished our job!

To access the survey, simply log into your More Than Rewards Intranet from the marketing tools page and Launch Email Marketing, then ‘Create Survey'. Once you’ve designed your survey – and  you feel great about it – open it, copy the URL, and “i-frame the URL” on a dedicated website page (MTR or your website provider can help you with this process).

Now you can gather important statistics through your website and view them anytime. It’s a business analyst’s dream!

To recap:  We recommend using our automated email system called Auto-Pilots, located within the Marketing Tools of your More Than Rewards Intranet, to automatically contact every recent customer. We also encourage you to thank customers for their business and asking them for a simple rating of their experience with you. Link the “not-so-great rating” to the survey you created within our eMarketing tools. The great reviews display for prospective customers researching your business online, thus helping maintain current customers and attracting new business. The Auto-Pilot emails and surveys are free to all current MTR customers...the reviews are priceless.

If you would like some assistance, our knowledgeable staff is available to help! Give us a call anytime at 414-326-4100, or email us at

As I like to remind people from previous blogs: Keep it simple. Use these types of opportunities to thank your customers and reinforce that you look forward to seeing them again.