How To Use Webinar To Promote Your Business During COVID-19


How is your business doing during these trying times? Understandably, many events and trade shows have been canceled because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It has forced many businesses to pivot their marketing plans and strategies to find different ways of promoting their products and services. 

One of the ways for businesses to promote themselves and demonstrate their products and services in this time of crisis is through Webinars. What is a Webinar? The term comes from the words “web seminar” which means to conduct a seminar using an online platform to promote your business and to connect with a targeted audience. It usually comes with a presentation followed by a “Question and Answer” session. 

How does it work? First, you will want to find a Webinar host; preferably someone who is an expert on a topic that you want to present.  When planning on what topic to discuss, it should be relevant to the product you are trying to sell.  We also suggest creating a catchy title and image to help promote the webinar; something that grabs and engages the audience. You also want to consider the technology that you will be using for the presentation itself.  We suggest making your webinar interactive so be sure to choose a Webinar hosting platform that allows you to share videos, audio, and slides.  

How do you make your Webinar successful? We suggest setting up a registration page so you know who is going to attend the event and also make sure to grab contact information to help with lead generation.  Be sure to include the title and description of the webinar and highlight the expertise of the presenter. We also suggest you include what topics the webinar will cover and what attendees should expect to learn.  It may also be helpful to include the duration of the webinar itself.  We suggest keeping it to less than an hour long.  You may also want to consider providing a reward for attendees like a free marketing trinket or a small discount on products or services you are promoting and provide them with motivation to act fast. 

To help promote the webinar and boost attendance, we suggest sending out invitations to your existing customers and/or prospects via email blast.  It may also help to create a banner on your company’s website or use your existing social media platforms to promote the Webinar with information on how to sign up and attend.  

After the webinar, make sure to utilize the registration information to follow up with your audience.  We suggest recording a video of the presentation and emailing out a link so the attendee can view it on-demand. Make sure to always ask for feedback and suggestions and remember it is always best to follow up with a direct phone call! 

Marketing webinars are an effective tool that has helped a lot of businesses promote their products and services and ultimately make more sales.  It’s a unique way to get your message in front of your customers and prospects without having to be face to face during this global pandemic.  With a little bit of planning and consideration, you too can run a successful Webinar and we are here to help.