Social Media Marketing During COVID-19

We are social creatures. Socializing helps us survive, but we are in times when it has become a threat—we need to keep a social distance for now. Luckily, there are ways to reduce this distance without taking risks.

Digital is now the primary channel businesses have to keep in touch with their customers. According to Business Insider, 2020 will be a peak year in terms of time spent on social media. People are locked inside their homes, but they still need to communicate. They want to exchange ideas and support each other. You need to be quick and creative to provide what they’re seeking.

So how can you use Social Media to maintain your customers and sales during the pandemic?

Make Social Media Announcements

This one is obvious, but keep your customers in the loop. Tell them what you are doing for them during the pandemic. Keep them informed of new store hours, new store policies regarding social distancing and safety practices. Promote new methods your dealership might be implementing, such as "touch-free" vehicle pickups for service, limiting the number of customers allowed in the store at any given time, conducting sales appointments virtually using video conference calls, or hosting events online rather than at the dealership. Whatever efforts you are making, big or small, let your customers know.

Be Responsive To Social Media Communications

We are social creatures, so customers will seek out avenues to communicate, including through your social media profiles. Be aware of this and monitor your accounts regularly throughout the day. If a customer comments on your post, write them back. If a customer send a message asking about your new store hours, reply in a timely fashion. Something as small as engaging your customers in these brief, digital conversations can have a huge impact and strengthen your customers' loyalty.

Try Something New

Now is the perfect time to explore and expand your marketing strategy. Test out different social networks such as Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest to see how those markets can work with your dealership's brand. Try playing with some of the features available on your current platforms, like the options for Instagram stories, or running a contest encouraging customers to tag friends and grow your follower-base (learn more about our Contest Manager here!) You have the time to take some risks and with Social Media usage at an all-time high, you can listen to your followers' feedback to gage what works and what doesn't to cement a newer, stronger marketing strategy.