Cleaning Your Email Contact Lists

It's important to clean your Email Contact Lists routinely to clear out any inaccurate data as well as any inactive or unsubscribed contacts. You may have 50,000 email contacts in your contact list, but only 10,000 of those contacts might be actively engaging in your campaigns, which means you would have 40,000 wasted contacts that can be groomed out of your list. Cleaning your list regularly can help save you money, boost your engagement and email marketing stats, and help reduce any complaints about "spam" with your contacts.

Benefits To Cleaning Your Email Contact List

Save Dat Money

If your currently paying for 50,000 email credits, but only 10,000 of those contacts are actively engaging in your campaigns, why continue paying for 40,000 un-read emails? Cleaning these contacts out of your contact list could save you money by reducing your monthly cost of email credits. Focusing your email marketing on only your active audience will definitely boost your return on investment.

Boost Your Email Marketing Engagement

What happens when you remove all the contacts that aren't opening your emails? Your open-rates shoot through the roof! You can communicate and engage with your target audience and even use the extra credits you save to email your cleaned contact list more frequently! Get the results you want on the budget you want.

Reduce Spam Complaints

While it might not occur very often, the last thing you want is an upset customer complaining about your marketing team spamming their email. By regularly grooming your email marketing list, you would weed out a lot of the contacts that aren't engaging in your emails or those that have already unsubscribed.

How Often Should I Clean My Email List?

There is no clear-cut answer as it will depend on your time, resources, and mail list size, but generally, we recommend cleaning your contact list quarterly.

What Contacts Should I Remove From My Email List?

You can find all the information you want under the "Contact Lists Statistics" in our Email Marketing system. This can show you who has unsubscribed, who has opened your email campaigns, who has clicked links in your emails, etc. Anyone who hasn't engaged in your emails in the past 3 months who has unsubscribed should be weeded out.