What Social Media Analytics Are Available in "Reporting?"

This article will cover some of the basic information regarding social media reports. This will look at your profile stats overall. If you want to learn more about analytics for specific posts, click here to view our article about "Post Statistics."

Now, it will be a lot easier to present digestible reports about your clients' social media performance based on the essential metrics. You will be able to monitor which of them have increased or decreased in any given period.

Here are the metrics we highlight, but depending on the social platform you select, some metrics won't be presented.

Audience Insights - Organic likes, Paid likes, Unlikes, Net New Likes
Reach - Paid and Organic
Engagement - Likes, Comments, Shares
Posts published - Link, Video, Photo
Average number of Posts Per Day
Day when Most Posts were Sent

Top Posts published - Reach - Total, Reach - Organic, Reach - Paid, Likes, Shares, Comments, Efficiency

How Does It Work?

Find the Analytics button in the top bar and select Reporting.

Note that the report information is displayed per page, but not for all the connected pages. Choose the page and you will see the numbers on the right. 

Next, choose the period of time you want to view:

  • Custom
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 3 months

What Do The Numbers Mean?

After select the social media profile and date range you want to analyze, there will be section at the top of the page providing additional information about each type of stat to help you understand what the numbers mean.

Scroll down to see the detailed overview of the presented data.

NOTE: Numbers of the given period are compared to the numbers of the same previous period evaluated in percentages.

For example, if you select the Last 7 days option, the percentage to the right will mean data of the previous 7 days. 

For Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest you will see such metrics as Total Followers, Total Engagement, Total Posts published.
For LinkedIn - Total Followers, Total Reach, Total Engagement, Total Posts published.
Reporting for Google My Business locations is not supported.

Export and Download

In order to export the report, click on the appropriate button in the right corner.

To download the file, hit Save as PDF in the printing settings window.