General Business Tips


Managing Multiple Priorities
According to , the definition of multitasking we are most likely familiar with is “ the carrying out of two or more tasks at the same time by one person ”. What’s of note, however, is that the definition listed first is specific...
E-Mail Etiquette 101 for Internal Communication
Isn't it hard to believe that e-mail as a form of communication has only really been around since the latter half of the '90's? Although a form of it was invented in the '60's (implementation of the @ sign for use in e-mail addresses wasn't until t...
Handling Customers.. Like a Boss!
Key Points in Managing Customers 1. Know customers expectations before they call or walk through the door Knowing what customers want ahead of time is the main way to prevent complaints in the first place. Customers want the same thi...
There's an App for that!
No, really, there’s an app for that! What’s an app? In this case, app is short for application, a computer program. This computer program is downloaded onto smart phones, tablets, and other handy digital devices. It is represented by an ico...
Surviving Winter Blues in Motorcycle Sales
Winter is one of my favorite times of year, although my motorcycle enthusiastic friends tend to disagree.  More than anything, they want to get out and ride, but with all the snow, ice and salt, not to mention it’s freezing out, they don’t want to ...
Micromanagement is Not like Microbrew
What is micromanagement? It is a method of managing your employees where the supervisor is highly controlling of the work environment. An example of this would be the supervisor watching to see when Johnny clocked in, if he was one minute late...
Rewarding Employees
Everyone loves prizes and rewards are like prizes, only better! Rewarding your employees will boost your work atmosphere morale better than any prize ever should. What’s the difference? A prize is something an employee wins through a raffle. A r...
Relating to Your Customers
Relating to your customer is one of the best ways to keep them coming back. The best way to determine how you can relate to your customers is by asking them questions, but not your typical “How’s the weather,” you want to ask personal questions, “Y...
Don't Let a Marketing Plan Scare You
Some customers are going to find you by chance. They may drive past your store or they may have been referred by someone, but we know for the most part you’ve had to constantly market your dealer to remind the world you exist. But do you have a ...
Millennials, Harley-Davidson and the Sense of FREEDOM!
This publication has been inspired my recent conversations about the future of Harley-Davidson, talks of the Millennials generation and even a radio show I was listening to this morning about our kids today. My job every day is exploring marketi...