What Are Some Common Questions About The Keypad?

How do you link a phone number to a reward card?

A customer might receive a text instructing them to see a cashier to link their phone to their rewards account. They will receive this text if they don’t have their cellphone number listed with their reward number in your Talon/Lightspeed system.

To link a phone number to a reward account, search for the customer in your cash register system. Either add the number, or edit the current information, so the cellphone number the customer is using to check in to the Keypad is in either the “home phone” or “work phone” box. Make sure to save the data afterward, and as long as your gateway PC is turned on, the information will update overnight.

How does this work with the Keypad Manager messages? Do they both go out at the same time?

If your dealership uses the Keypad Manager to send out messages to customers when they check in, these messages will still be sent. The text with the reward balance will be sent out first, and then the Keypad Manager message will be sent out shortly afterward. This is to not overwhelm customers with multiple texts at one time.

How does this work with Contest Manager?

If you have included a Contest Manager competition in your Keypad Manager, those texts will be sent out after the reward balance texts with the Keypad Manager messages.

What if there are multiple reward accounts linked to one cellphone number?

If a customer has multiple reward accounts linked to one phone number, they will receive a message with a link to select their primary account. This link will also show them their reward balance. If the customer wants to have only one account, they can combine all the accounts into one, or deleted the additional accounts. Until either of these steps are taken, the customer will not be able to receive any Keypad Manager messages, or the reward balance text. They can, however, view their reward balance by clicking the link in the text message.

How does it work if one reward account has two phone numbers, like a husband and wife sharing one account?

If two customers share one reward number, such as a married couple might, they can both still enter their individual cellphone numbers to view their shared reward balance by checking in at the Keypad. For this to work, two separate accounts must be set up in Talon/Lightspeed for each member. Each account must be set up with its own cellphone number, but both accounts will have the same shared reward number.

If I change the number, how long does it take to update?

So long as your dealership’s gateway computer is turned on and running correctly, any changes made to Talon/Lightspeed will update overnight.

Can the reward balance texts be turned off?

The reward balance texts can be turned off in the Keypad Manager. They can either be turned off overall by adjusting the “Settings,” or they can be turned off for individual messages by unchecking the “Reward Text” on the right to the Keypad Manager message.

What if the reward balance in the text message is different than what I see in the Rider Rewards system?

ALWAYS trust the reward balance in the Rider Reward system! Advanced computer users or graphic designers might try to create a fake phone screen displaying a forged reward balance. It is also possible that the text presented could be old, so check the date the message was sent.