How Do I Set Up Landing Pages?

You're on the salesfloor talking with a potential buyer, and they are interested but not ready to pull the trigger just yet. They are probably hesitant to follow a salesperson to their desk, but you also don't want to lose the customer's information. Well here is an easy solution for you: enter the customer's contact information right then and there on the sales floor into your cell phone. This can be done using Landing Pages.

Our HyperDrive CRM Pro Landing Pages are a very versatile tool dealerships have at their disposal. They can be use to log new leads from a salesperson's cellphone right from the sales floor! They can also be used to flag contacts for different events (such as dealer shows), if they are interested in a certain type of vehicle, if they were offering any type of special promotion, and much more!

This article covers how you can create a Landing Page in our HyperDrive CRM Pro system, and how to access it as either a salesperson or a prospective client to log leads into your CRM.

NOTE: only admins have the ability to access and create Landing Pages in the CRM.

Creating A Landing Page

1. Start by logging in to your HyperDrive CRM account.

2. Once logged in, click on the "Settings" icon in the tool bar and click on "Landing Pages" on the left side.

3. Click the "+ Create New Landing Page" button in the top right corner if you need to create a new Landing Page. Otherwise if you or your managers have already created a landing page to use for this purpose, locate it in the list.

4. When creating a landing page, you can start with one of our templates ("Quick Log" is a good one for a case like this). Name your landing page and click "Create & Start Editing."

5. Click the tab labeled "Form" to add or remove any of the fields on the form.

6. Use the "Actions" tab to set actions that will result when a contact is entered into the landing page. This is where you can set leads entered in this specific form to be assigned to a specific salesperson, or where you can flag the contacts as "Walk-Ins", or if they are from a dealer show. You can even apply action sets, to-dos, or autoresponders to any contacts entered through this form. Make sure to always click "Apply Changes" at the bottom to save your work.

Accessing A Landing Page

1. To get a link to an existing Landing Page, return to the list of Landing Pages in Settings.

2. Next to the desired Landing Page, click the dropdown box labeled "Links & HTML" and select "Get Shortened Link." This will provide you a link to your Landing Page.

3. Save this link for quick easy access (on your cell phone or on your desktop computer). This is the link you would also send to prospective customers if you would like to provide the option for them to fill out the form themselves.