June 1, 2018 - Hyper Drive Pro - Massive UI Update

Dashboard Tabs

Add tabs to your customizable Dashboard. This allows for you to add more widgets and further customize the system without as much clutter in one tab. Right click to rename, move or delete the tab.



Widget Recent Settings

This new widget makes it really easy to go back to what you were working on. 


 Widget Contact Card

Quickly link to a contact card from the Dashboard. If you just want to call, you will have the phone number available without leaving the Dashboard.


 Contact Card Add to Dashboard Icon

Add a contact card to the Dashboard quickly, right from the contact card. Just click this new handy icon.




Landing Page Add to Dashboard Icon

Add a Landing Page to your Dashboard with the extra handy icon right on the Landing Page set up page. This lets you track your Landing Page on the Dashboard.


Action Set: Pause Until Time of Day

This pauses an Action Set until a set time of Day.


Action Set: Stop If

This will stop an Action Set if there are specific changes to Categories, Sources or Flags.


Action Set: Continue Only If

This Action Set Action will continue the Action Set only if a set value is set to Categories, Sources or Flags.


 Action Set: Review Pending Steps

This new option will let you review the pending steps of an Action Set from the contact card.


New Flag Designs, Icons & Colors

When creating new Flags, you now have more icon choices and you can now pick the background color and the icon. So many options! And so fun!


Advanced Search - Note that you are Viewing Saved Search

When you are in a saved search, the Advanced Search screen will show which saved search you are currently viewing at the top of the page.


 Advanced Search - Update Existing Saved Search

You can now make changes to a saved search without renaming and re-saving as a new search. When saving the search, choose update existing saved search and choose which search you are updating.


Pretty Email Templates

When you are adding a new email template, you now have the option of using our pretty template builder or starting from a blank canvas.