How do I Send Text Messages in HyperDrive CRM Pro?

Sending text messages to your sales leads is easier than ever now with HyperDrive CRM Pro's newest feature!

All you have to do is log into your CRM account, look up the contact you want to message, and click on the "Send Text" tab near the bottom of the contact card. If you do not see the "Send Text" option, just click on "Customize This Screen" at the bottom of the page, select "Customize Tabs," and "Reset to Defaults." You can then drag the arrange the "Send Text" tab anywhere you would like.

On this tab, you will see the dealership's text number, as well as your customer's phone number.

NOTE: if you contact has multiple phone numbers on their contact card, it will send the text to the first listed phone number. 

You can then enter the message you would like to send in the box, check off the options below, and click send. You will receive a final confirmation next to look over the message. If all looks good, just click "Send Now."

All outbound messages sent will then be logged under the "Notes" tab so you have a record of text messages sent out and if any contacts reply, the inbound message will appear in this same tab.


What if my contact is not receiving my text messages?

If a contact is not receiving the messages you send through the CRM, check to make sure that this contact's cell phone number is the first one listed in their contact card. If this is correct, it is likely that this phone number may have a duplicate in your CRM. Search your contact database for this phone number to confirm if it appears more than once and remove any duplicate entries.

What if I am not receiving the reply messages from a contact?

Similarly to contacts not receiving your messages, if you are not receiving a contact's reply text messages, it is very likely that this customer's cell phone appears under more than one contact card. If there are multiple contact records with this same phone number, a note will be logged under the first listed contact card.

Why does my dealership name spell out "and" instead of using an ampersand (&)?

The way this software is coded, it is unable to read ampersands (&). For that reason, they will be automatically changes to the word "and" instead.

What is the number shown next to the "Outbound Text" entry in the notes?

You may notice a number added to the entries for outbound text messages in the "Notes" tab. This number is the CRM user ID, or the dealership salesperson's account used to send the text message in HyperDrive CRM.