Oct 1, 2016 - Rider Reward Bonus Points for Keypad Check-Ins Update

As our Keypads are rising in popularity, we strive to increase its functionality and give you more reasons to love it.

How The Keypads Worked Previouslyhals

Customers walk up to the counter and enter their phone number on the touch screen to activate their rewards account. After their account is activated, the Keypad automatically sends them a text message with their reward balance to their cell phone. Then when the customer walks out of your dealership a few minutes later, they get sent another customized text message, which will encourage them to return to your dealership later in the week. This creates an amazing, personalized experience which keeps your customers coming back day after day. Since the introduction of this new device, we have had a ton of great feedback which allowed us to make it even better!

Plus It's Free For Current Customers

We do not charge any additional money for the device each month, however there is one time purchase for the hardware, call us at 414-326-4100 to learn more.

How We Made It Better

With our most recent update, your dealership now has the ability to award customers additional bonus points for checking in (no purchase necessary). This means anyone who walks in your door and enters their phone number on the keypad can instantly be awarded additional bonus points just for showing up. This makes these keypads perfect for driving special event floor traffic or just gives people a reason to stop at your dealership. We all know the toughest part is just getting people to walk through the door and our new keypad bonus point upgrade solves this problem!

Our most recent update to the Keypad Manager is the ability to award customers with bonus points for checking in. This was a very popular aspect of our older Kiosks, so we updated the Keypads to allow dealers to use this same function.


You can set this amount from the Keypad Manager on the Marketing Tools page of the Intranet, as seen above. The amount entered in this box will be awarded to your customers when they check-in on the Keypad after they have set up their information and linked their accounts. So they won’t receive these points upon their first check in, but they will be able to start earning these bonus points upon their next visit. Also, keep in mind that customers can only check-in once per day.

thiels-wheelsYou can set the bonus point to whatever you would like between 0 and 20. We have set a cap of 20 for the Keypad Manager, so customer cannot earn more than 20 points per check in. This is to prevent dealerships from giving away too many points, either intentionally or accidentally as a typo. Keep in mind that 1 bonus point is essentially equal to $1 spent by your customer.

While the bonus point value is completely up to the dealership, More Than Rewards recommends setting it to represent 5-10 cents based on your Payout Policy. For example, if you do a standard 5% cash back for Gift Certificates, you would probably only want to set it as 1 or 2 bonus points per check-in.

Top Secret Marketing Tip

You also have the option to change the amount of bonus points any time of day. So, for example, if you have an event from 3pm to 6pm, you can go into the Keypad Manager just before the event starts and manually change the settings to award a larger amount for attendees, perhaps offering 10 points during the event hours. Once the event is over, you would just have to return to the Keypad Manager and reset it to the regular point value.

Feel free to check-out this new function and experiment with different bonus point values. If you have any questions, please call support at (414) 326-4100 or email at support@morethanrewards.com.