What are the "Automatic Rider Reminders"?

Originally published April 13, 2016

Attention all More Than Rewards customers using our Rider Rewards loyalty program: We have updated your Intranet to include a powerful new feature, "Automatic Rider Reminders," for NO extra monthly fees and NO additional outbound email credits! It's because of your loyal support year after year that we can make this powerful email marketing tool a reality.

These emails were one of our most requested features over the years; so, we've worked hard to ensure that your customers stay engaged in your loyalty program.

These are friendly, automated emails which remind customers about their point balances, point expirations, and more. In fact, you've probably received similar emails from reward programs you participate in, so you understand how helpful this free system update will be to you and your customers.

When Will These Emails Start Sending?

Once enabled, these emails will begin to send within 3 business days!

You must be on your store's network to access this More Than Rewards Intranet link.

You can view samples of the emails through clicking on each email type's view sample link. We hope you'll see how these concise emails were designed to display well on any device such as modern smart phones, desktop computers, or even iPads and other tablets.

And one of the best aspects about these new customer reminders is that you don't have to do anything to make sure they go out; all you have to do is activate them!  Although, you should at least know a little bit about what your customers will be seeing.

Brief Descriptions of the Six New Rider Reminder Emails

1) "Temporary Rewards Card" Email

This email is meant to help you gain more reward customers! It will be sent after a customer checks out and our system notices they don't have a rewards number. Although, it only will be sent to individual customers once every 30 days — no matter how often they shop — until they have a real rewards account activated through your Dealer Management System. Since the idea of a "Temporary Rewards Card" is a new concept for most dealers, we'll thoroughly explain how it works in the next section. 

2) "Monthly Statement" Email

Essentially, this email functions as a "monthly points balance statement," but we only send it to customers if they have at least enough points to cash out your lowest-level coupon. If a customer presents a copy of this email to a cashier during checkout, the cashier should look up the customer's balance to cash out their points.


3) "Spend More Money" Email

When a customer almost has the minimum amount of points to cash out for your lowest-value Rider Buck / Rewards Coupon, we send this email to encourage them to keep shopping with you.

4) "It's Been A While: Rewards Member" Email

This email is sent to reward customers who haven't shopped at your store in over 90 days. We hope this will help bring in some new business from previous customers who may have forgotten about you!

5) "It's Been A While: Non-Rewards Member" Email

This email works like the one described above, except it's sent to customers who aren't reward members.


6) "Points Are Expiring" Email

Up to 10 days before a customer's points are set to expire, this email is sent to encourage them to come in an spend their points. This should prevent many cases of customers requesting to have their points "given back" to them if they didn't know about your expiration process.

Temporary Rewards Card Email: How It Works

We're spending some extra time to explain this concept so your dealer will be prepared if a customer brings in a copy of this email. Remember: this communication is meant to inform your non-reward customers about your reward program if they were NOT activated at the time of purchase. We hope it encourages many of your customers to return to get a real rewards card or rewards number at your store.

Temporary Rewards Card Member Email

As we have explained in the previous section, customers will only receive this email if they DO NOT have a rewards number correctly placed in their customer record within your Dealer Management System (typically Talon or Light Speed).

Please be aware that if a cashier did not properly sign someone up to your Rider Rewards program, or there was at least a one-day delay in signing someone up after a purchase, this email will still be sent. It may serve, in this case, as an "early catch" to avoid future problems with customers who (months later) thought they were earning points, but their account was never properly activated.

When presented with or asked about this email, the cashier should follow these steps:

  1. Look up the customer's account in the Dealer Manager System.
  2. If the customer does not have a rewards number, sign them up through your normal processes.
  3. If the customer already has a rewards number, that most likely means it was placed there after the sale was processed, but the "temporary card" email was already sent. Just inform the customer they are already a member, and they will receive all their due points moving forward.

Because of the way our system captures and uploads sales data, if a customer was not signed up at the time of purchase, they will receive points for their purchases in our "weekly upload" of sales, which occurs every Saturday. This is meant to gather new reward customer sales which occurred during the previous 10 days — going back to transactions from two Wednesdays ago.

For example, when we "re-run" the rewards data this Saturday the 16th of April, we will find reward sales for these customers going back to Wednesday, the 6th of April. This is to ensure that recently signed-up customers receive points for their recent purchases, as people commonly ask to be credited for products or services they bought when "no one told them" about the rewards program. Our upload method definitely saves your management staff time adding back customer sale points, and it keeps customers happier.


  1. Are we able to turn off or on any of the emails?
    You can activate these emails yourself to turn them on. If you wish to turn them off after activating them, which More Than Rewards would not recommend, please contact support@morethanrewards.com.

  2. Are we able to change the content of the emails?
    The text in the emails is meant to work great for all dealers, so at this time, no. Your email header image, though, is unique to your dealer, and it will help your customers visually connect with your brand.

  3. Can we update the header image?
    Yes. If you would like us to update your header graphic, please send us a web-ready .jpeg sized exactly to 947 x 150 pixels to support@morethanrewards.com.


Overall, we are very excited to bring your dealer this long-awaited and often-requested feature! We hope these automated reward emails will bring you new business while keeping your best customers coming back!

And remember — this feature costs you nothing; it's a free system update which will be part of your account from now on.

If you have any questions, please give More Than Rewards a call at (414) 326-4100, or email support@morethanrewards.com.