Why Are My Customer Accounts Negative?

The purpose of this article is to explain the two sets of negative points that appear in your customers’ Reward History when they redeem a Reward Certificate.

To get to your customers’ Reward History Report, navigate to the customer’s profile within the Rider Rewards Intranet page, and click on “View The Chronological Sales History Report” button under the “Sales History” tab.

The first number, in the red box, is the points spent to redeem the coupon. In the example above, 800 points were used to redeem a $40 coupon.

The second negative value is what normally causes some confusion for dealerships. This number, represented in the blue box above, will be for the same amount as the redeemed certificate and is automatically added in our system to prevent customers from earning reward points when they use a reward buck to pay for items.

In the above example, this customer would have used their $40 Reward Certificate to purchase something for at least $40. This purchase would automatically award the customer 40 reward points, but since they are using their rewards to make this purchase, we don’t want them to receive those 40 points. To do this, our system adds the negative value to counter-act and balance out the customer’s reward purchase.

NOTE: If a customer were to purchase something for a greater value than the reward certificate, they would still receive the points for the difference. For example, if the above example made a purchase worth $50 with their $40 Reward Certificate, they will still receive 10 points for the part paid for with a different form of tender.

Why is my customer’s balance negative?

When a customer cashes out a reward buck it automatically inserts a negative values in the customer’s account immediately to account for the reward buck they just used.  Where it takes 1-3 days for the purchase to appear in their rewards account.  During this time the account may be "negative" the sales have not yet posted.