Oct 22, 2015 - The New Check-In Keypad

I am happy to announce that More Than Rewards exciting new product, sure to bring new possibilities to the motorcycle and powersports world. It’s called the Rider Rewards Check-in Keypad! We are the first company to design a touchscreen keypad specifically for Harley-Davidson and powersports dealers.

You know how a lot of retailers nowadays have devices set up where customers enter their phone numbers during checkout? I go through this process two times a week just at grocery stores alone. These keypads are everywhere because they’ve been very successful in capturing additional customer information, giving customers special deals, and much more—all without costing cashiers any extra time.

Well, now ANY dealer can also experience these benefits. You can use Rider Rewards Check-In Keypads in conjunction with any reward program and any dealer system—and it works even if you don’t have a loyalty program—so you don’t have to be a current More Than Rewards customer to experience most of the benefits. 

We developed the keypad based on the success we had when we introduced various types of touchscreen kiosks to Harley-Davidson dealers over ten years ago. Many of our current customers will remember those days; some dealers still have their original rewards kiosks up and running! Although, the higher costs and necessary space kept the kiosks—especially the big stand-up units—out of many stores.

The great news is that we’ve modeled our keypads on iPad technology to keep the units compact, familiar, and completely affordable. We ship them with their own fitted mounts and artwork so set up is quick and easy. You’ll see that the diminutive keypad is a potent marketing tool relating to customers of all ages, and it surely is a lot less complicated than a big powersports kiosk!

Here are some features and benefits the keypad will give your dealer:

  • A customer will be able to check their current rewards balance via a text message while they’re in-store—if you are a Rider Rewards dealer.
  • The keypad helps you capture about 20% more cell phone numbers and syncs with our Text Marketing system.
  • Easy manage sweepstakes by rewarding each customer a virtual raffle ticket for checking in.
  • And so much more!

If you have any questions, please give us a call at More Than Rewards at 414-326-4100.