Live Leads Call Campaign Rollout Timeline

If you are reading this, then you are either interested in or have just signed up for our Live Leads Call Campaign services. This article will cover what our Live Leads Call Campaign service is, the timeline for the rollout process, and some information about how the call campaign works.

What is Live Leads?

In simple terms, More Than Rewards gets you new leads and helps you close more deals. We cold call all your customers, qualify them for a new vehicle and schedule them to come to the dealership OR we can schedule a digital ZOOM ROOM meeting with your sales staff virtually!

Live Leads Rollout Timeline

Week 1 - Service Agreement Paperwork

During the first week, we will send you the service agreement paperwork via email to fill out electronically. This agreement will lay out the two packages we have available  to determine which works best for you. It will also request email and text information for your sales people so we know who to send alerts to during the call campaign, and if you would like to award bonus points to your reward customers for attending any scheduled appointments.

Once the initial paperwork is completed, we will schedule an intro call with you for the following week.

Week 2 - Intro Call to Gather Preliminary Information

With all the initial paperwork completed, we will schedule our intro call to gather additional preliminary information, including your dealership's sales, inventory, if you would like to use "Zoom" virtual meetings, etc.

On this call, we will review the package you selected and how the calling campaign will operate. We will also answer any questions you have at that point in time.

Week 3 - Setup Customer Database and Alert System

During the third week, we will use the information you provided in the initial paperwork and intro call to setup your customers in our database for the call campaign. We will also configure your text and email alerts to notify your sales staff when appointments are scheduled.

Week 4 - Begin Calling Campaign

Once we have everything all setup, we will begin cold calling your customers. As appointments are sent, you and your team will be notified of scheduled appointments. Billing will begin once the campaign has started with invoices running on the 1st of the month based on the success of the calling campaign and the package you selected.

How Our Live Leads Calling Campaign Works

  1. We will cold-call customers near your location, qualify them to determine if they are in the market for a new vehicle, and schedule a one-on-one sales consultation between them and your staff.
  2. Upon scheduling this event, we will send an email and text confirmation to the customer and the dealer’s phone number listed below.
  3. We will add this meeting to a shared Google Calendar that you can follow, and if you prefer, we also book at it as a virtual ZOOM meeting, we can do well.
  4. The customer and the dealer’s contacts listed below will receive an email and text reminder 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 5 minutes before the meeting.
  5. The customer will receive a follow-up call the next day, confirming they had a positive experience and successfully attending the meeting.
  6. If they cannot attend, the customer meeting will be re-scheduled, and notifications will be re-sent.
  7. You will be billed on the 1st of each month, following the package you select in the Service Agreement paperwork.