How Do The Keypad Works & What Do The Texts Mean?

How The Keypad Works

  • Customer will enter his/her cellphone number into the Keypad
  • Customer received a text containing his/her reward balance
  • Any Keypad Manager messages will be sent after the reward balance text
  • If customer receives a text to see a cashier to link reward account, the means the cellphone number they entered is not listed in Talon/Lightspeed

How To Link Phone Numbers To Reward Accounts

  • Search for customer in your cash register system
  • Add or edit the cell phone number in the system to match the phone number the customer enters in the Keypad
  • Make sure to save data
  • Changes will update over night

Watch Out For Frauds And Scams!

Be cautious of fraudulent text messages. If a customer shows a different reward balance via text than in the Rider Rewards system, check the date the text message was sent. Always trust what balance is in the system over the text since advanced computer users or graphic designers might create a fake phone screen displaying a forged reward balance.