Sept 6, 2016 - Improving Customer Service: Call Center Update

Here at More Than Rewards, we've always believed in making any possible changes that benefit our customers and improve their experiences with us. We've recently gathered a few suggestions from people who called our main number needing help, and we are confident by implementing some different inbound procedures, future callers will save time and get quicker answers to their questions.

So, as of today, we are no longer using an answering service for our overflow and after-hours call routing. Ideally, we'd like each customer to experience real people answering their phone calls anytime day or night. Although, with the previous setup, we discovered that callers spent a lot of time trying to explain their situations and repeating contact information to the answering service agents. More customers experienced unnecessary frustration and confusion than were helped by the answering service, and for this, we sincerely apologize.

The good news is that we've implemented your suggestions to simply have the option to leave a quick voicemail if you call outside business hours (or, if the customer service team is already helping other callers). On the voicemail message, we also give an emergency number option: You may call this number to talk to a member of the on-call customer service team if you need immediate help and cannot wait for a call-back.

To be clear, our regular business hours are still: Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central Standard Time. If you call outside of these hours, you will always and immediately get the options to call the emergency on-call number or leave a voicemail — which will be returned as soon as possible next business day.

Thank you very much for your continued support; we hope these changes will work better for all our customers in the future. And please remember — you can always give us feedback on how we're doing by calling (414) 326-4100 or sending an email to