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  1. Employee Introduction

    Every class will begin with a brief written summary of what is going to be covered, followed by a  video below the written summary going into detail about the topic. It will look something like this   WHO SHOULD WATCH THIS TRAINING VIDEO ...
  2. Cashier Training

    WHO SHOULD WATCH THIS TRAINING VIDEO - ALL EMPLOYEES Author Zack Toler Released 9/26/2018 Cashiers are some of my favorite people in the world, I'm always giving them money.  In this section of the training, ...
  3. CRM Training for Sales Professionals

    If you are a Sales Professional, the video below will help you get started and teach you how to: Add a contact (both manually and through the Dealer System Search tool) Add notes to contacts Add to-dos (both single and plans) Send a reply t...
  4. Employee Directory Setup

    WHO SHOULD WATCH THIS TRAINING VIDEO - ALL EMPLOYEES Author Zack Toler Released 9/26/2018 Welcome to the Employee Directory training. In this section we are going to go over how to create a profile for your e...
  5. Marketing Training - Email Marketing

    WHO SHOULD WATCH THIS TRAINING VIDEO - ALL EMPLOYEES Author Zack Toler Released 9/26/2018 It's just you and me now, Marketing Manager. I assume you're here for the marketing training? Yes? Oh, good. I'm sure ...
  6. Manager Training

    WHO SHOULD WATCH THIS TRAINING VIDEO - ALL EMPLOYEES Author Zack Toler Released 9/26/2018 In the sections we'll cover some of the more common reports that you'll use as a manager. It's not the most interesting, but it i...
  7. Best Practices: Rider Rewards

    1. Sign up as many reward members as possible every day. Make sure all cashiers know how to use their dealer management system (e.g., Talon or Light Speed) to activate new reward members, whether you are using full-size cards, key tags, or lab...
  8. CRM Training for Sales Managers

    If you are a Sales Manager this video will take you through the administrative functions of the HyperDrive Pro CRM. You will learn how to: Create a flag in the CRM Use birthday assistant to stay in touch with buyers Create and edit your to-d...
  9. Best Practices: Text Marketing

    How to Gain SMS Subscribers and Maintain a Healthy Text System 1. Get HOG & Riding Groups Onboard For Harley-Davidson dealers, a good place to start is the HOG group. (Any other riding enthusiast group would work, though.)   Crea...
  10. How Do The Keypad Works & What Do The Texts Mean?

    How The Keypad Works Customer will enter his/her cellphone number into the Keypad Customer received a text containing his/her reward balance Any Keypad Manager messages will be sent after the reward balance text If customer receives ...