
What Are Some Common Questions About The Keypad?
How do you link a phone number to a reward card? A customer might receive a text instructing them to see a cashier to link their phone to their rewards account. They will receive this text if they don’t have their cellphone number listed wi...
What Can I Do With The Keypad Manager?
Our long awaited Keypad updates are finally available! Here are the awesome new features we added: Customers can check reward balance from Keypad Ability to view check-in data Ability to run contests with Keypad check-ins Create virtua...
How Do The Keypad Works & What Do The Texts Mean?
How The Keypad Works Customer will enter his/her cellphone number into the Keypad Customer received a text containing his/her reward balance Any Keypad Manager messages will be sent after the reward balance text If customer receives ...
How Can I Setup a "12 Days of Christmas" Keypad Campaign?
With Black Friday in the rear-view mirror, the holiday shopping season has officially begun and perhaps you want to celebrate by giving back to your customers in a festive manner. Maybe not with turtle doves and French hens, but close: The 12 Days ...