New Articles

  1. How To Use Webinar To Promote Your Business During COVID-19

    9 How is your business doing during these trying times? Understandably, many events and trade shows have been canceled because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It has forced many businesses to pivot their marketing plans and strategies ...
  2. How To Do "LIVE SALES" Using Instagram TV

    While everyone’s dealing with hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic, should you stop selling at your dealership? Well, you don't have to!! But how??? The best thing you can do is to take your business online .  In this article, we’re going to ...
  3. Why Am I Getting An Errors When Trying To Connect A Page?

    Once signed up, the first step is to connect your social pages. Below are some common error messages that you may encounter when trying to add a page to your Social Manager account. We hope the following explanations provide you with additiona...
  4. What Social Media Analytics Are Available in "Statistics"?

    This article will cover statistics on specific posts made on your social media profiles. If you are looking for information about your social profiles in general, click here to check out our article about "Social Media Reporting." In the Stat...
  5. What Social Media Analytics Are Available in "Reporting?"

    This article will cover some of the basic information regarding social media reports. This will look at your profile stats overall. If you want to learn more about analytics for specific posts, click here to view our article about "Post Statistics...
  6. What Is The Social Media Manager Autopilot Scheduling Queue?

    The beauty of the automatic schedule is that you entrust your page to our proprietary AI tool that analyzes your page audience's peak engagement and suggests the best time options for posting your fabulous content to keep them even more engaged. Th...
  7. A Brief Guide To The Social Media Manager Editor

    Our Social Media Manager Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use tool available to allow you to customize any image or graphic to your taste. In order to help you understand its characteristics and possibilities, here is a short overview of the Editor...
  8. What Is The Social Media Manager Post Ideas Section?

    Social Media Marketing doesn't have to be a chore nor does it have to be a marketing effort that doesn't deliver. The best content plan will deliver conversions in the form of likes, shares and web traffic. Filling your social profiles with relevan...
  9. April 1, 2020 - HyperDrive Pro Updates: Text Alerts for New Web Leads, Auto-Assign Sales Person to Action Sets & To-Dos, and More!

    Text Message Alerts For New Web Leads This was a major feature request we just completed!  Many salespeople wanted to be alerted as soon as they have a new lead from their website or other online sources. So, now any salesperson can get...
  10. Oct 22, 2015 - The New Check-In Keypad

    I am happy to announce that More Than Rewards exciting new product, sure to bring new possibilities to the motorcycle and powersports world. It’s called the Rider Rewards Check-in Keypad! We are the first company to design a touchscreen keypad spec...