Service Sales

Field mapping for the Custom Dealer System report

Field OrderField NameDescriptionExampleRequired?
CashierDateThe date the service was cashiered1/1/2018YES
2RONumberRepair Order Number306504YES
3JobIDJob ID Number5917446504277140
4JobTitleTitle of the jobCheck AlarmYES
5JobDescDetailed description of the jobAlarm will not shut offYES
6TotalPartsSellingPriceTotal price of parts sold for this job120YES
7PartsAfterDiscDiscounts applied to parts sold for this job50YES
8TotalLaborSellingPriceTotal cost of labor for this job350YES
9LaborAfterDiscDiscounts applied to labor for this job0YES
10JobWarrantyIs this a warranty job? True/FalseTRUEYES
11NotesThis field is normally blank
12RONotesNotes for this repair orderCustomer has to disconnect battery for the alarm to shut off.NO
13ServiceWriterNameThe name of the service writer for this repair order.John SmithYES
14MajorUnitIDID number of the bike for this repair orderU319418
15VINVIN number of the bike being repaired on this order.1HD1KBM36GB675217
16YearYear of the bike being repaired on this order.1980YES
17MakeMake of the bike being repaired on this order.Harley-DavidsonYES
18BikeModelModel of the bike being repaired on this order.FXDBYES
19OdometerOdometer reading of the bike being repaired on this order.500000
20CustomerCityCustomer's cityTemeculaYES
21CustomerStateCustomer's StateCAYES
22CustomerZipCustomer's ZIP code92593YES
23CustomerAddress1Customer's Street Address
24CustomerAddress2Add-ons to customer's address: Apt #, Suite #, Unit #, etc.Apt 1125NO
25CustomerFirstNameCustomer's First NameJohnYES
26CustomerLastNameCustomer's Last NameSmithYES
27CustomerHomePhoneCustomer's Home Phone951-555-8873YES
28CustomerMobilePhoneCustomer's Mobile Phone951-555-8854NO
29CustomerEmailCustomer's Email AddressJSmith25@gmail.comNO
30CustomerBeeperPhoneThis is the field in your DMS that the reward number gets entered into.AA1234NO
31CustomerIDCustomer's ID number from your DMS.5618965YES